Florestan. De l'esprit de conquête et de l'usurpation. Réflexions sur les constitutions (1813¿1814)

The 8th volume in this edition contains the works written by Benjamin Constant between March 1813 and April 1814. The texts are different in nature. Alongside a work of fiction, »Florestan or the Siege of Soissons«, the reader will find »The Spirit of Conquest and Usurpation« (the publication that did most to cement Constant's reputation as a political author), various propagandistic writings penned in the service of the Prince-Royal of Sweden, and finally »Reflections on Constitutions and Guarantees«, a work of political theory. All these texts are precursors of the works from the period of the First Restoration and the Cent-Jours assembled in Volume 9, so that these two volumes are closely interrelated.

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