Florestan. De l'esprit de conquête et de l'usurpation. Réflexions sur les constitutions (1813-1814)

The 8th volume in this edition contains the works written by Benjamin Constant between March 1813 and April 1814. The texts are different in nature. Alongside a work of fiction, »Florestan or the Siege of Soissons«, the reader will find »The Spirit of Conquest and Usurpation« (the publication that did most to cement Constant's reputation as a political author), various propagandistic writings penned in the service of the Prince-Royal of Sweden, and finally »Reflections on Constitutions and Guarantees«, a work of political theory. All these texts are precursors of the works from the period of the First Restoration and the Cent-Jours assembled in Volume 9, so that these two volumes are closely interrelated.