God of All Comfort

Hannah Whitall Smith knew firsthand the world's darkness and grief-but she was confident that "somewhere and somehow God [was] going to make everything right for all the creatures He has created." Her writings have often been censored to remove the more "heretical" portions, but her only heresy is her belief in Divine love, a love stronger than any obstacle. As a mother, she knew how much she loved her children-and she could not believe that God's love could be weaker than her own. "I began to see that the wideness of God's love was far beyond any wideness that I could even conceive of. . . if I took all the unselfish love of every mother's heart the whole world over, and piled it all together, and multiplied it by millions, I would still only get a faint idea of . . . the mother-heart of God."-Hannah Whitall Smith