
Zum 70. Geburtstag von Wilfried Erbguth am 4. Mai 2019 widmen ihm Freundinnen und Freunde, Kolleginnen und Kollegen sowie Schülerinnen und Schüler diese Festschrift, die thematisch die beeindruckende Bandbreite rechtswissenschaftlicher Forschung des renommierten Rostocker Hochschullehrers aufgreift. Die versammelten Beiträge behandeln allgemeine und spezielle Fragen aus den Gebieten des Europarechts, des Verfassungsrechts sowie des Verwaltungsrechts mit Schwerpunkten im Raumordnungs- und sonstigen Planungsrecht, im Umweltrecht sowie im maritimen Recht und im Hafenrecht. Der Jubilar hat sich nicht nur um verstärkte Interdisziplinarität, sondern auch um einen intensiveren Austausch zwischen Rechtswissenschaft und Praxis verdient gemacht, sodass die Herausgeber keine Mühe hatten, neben bekannten Hochschullehrerinnen und -lehrern namhafte Praktikerinnen und Praktiker als Autorinnen und Autoren für diese Festschrift zu gewinnen.

Sabine Schlacke is Professor of Public and Administrative Law at the University of Muenster and Director of the Institute for Environmental and Planning Law. Since 2016, she is co-chair of the German Advisory Council on Global Change. She is also vice-chair of the German Association for Environmental Law. Prof. Schlacke's main research areas are international, European and German environmental law, planning law and climate law. Also, she prepared various expert opinions and research projects for federal and state ministries as well as for various research institutions. She is, in addition to her research and teaching activities, judge at the constitutional court of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen. Prof. Dr. Guy Beaucamp studied law at Hamburg and Geneva universities; J.D. from University or Münster (1996), post-doctoral thesis on the legal implications of the sustainability-principle in 2001 at the university of Rostock, overseen by Prof. Dr. Erbguth; 2002 in-house lawyer for Rostock University; 2003 judge at the administrative tribunal; since 2004 Professor at the Department of Public Management (University of Applied Sciences Hamburg); main teaching fields: constitutional law, European law, administrative law, legal methodology; co-author of three text-books and many publications on these topics. Dr. Mathias Schubert studied law in Rostock, receiving his doctoral degree at the Faculty of Law in Rostock University in 2004. After his Second State Examination in 2008, he worked as a research assistant at the University of Rostock, where he completed his postdoctoral thesis on the law of maritime infrastructure in 2013. After teaching public law at the Universities of Münster, Hagen and Rostock until 2016, he is currently working for the research service of the State Parliament of Schleswig-Holstein.

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