Leadership in Health and Social Care

From reviews:",I found this book to be an excellent read... My favourite part is at the end of each chapter where the authors very kindly give a chapter summary. I would say this, with learning outcomes for each chapter, is the reader's 'pot of gold' - and an excellent resource for students.The social and political stance of this text is sensitively weaved throughout, encouraging the wider thought processes of the reader. Images and illustrations provide a welcome and useful change to the traditional academic text, and I would recommend the book as an important reference resource for those starting on their leadership journey, or for those wanting to update. A well-informed, easy read that I will be recommending to our students to support their studies.",The Biomedical Scientist, 2013: 70 (4)",Thisis an excellent book for anyone who is starting to take an interest in Leadershipwithin their health or social care role... Overall, the bookis clearly aimed at practitioners and should be a 'must-read' for those whowish to understand more about practical leadership and who aspire to moresenior positions within their field of practice.",Lecturer,StaffordshireUniversity Faculty of Health SciencesLeadership in Health andSocial Care is an accessible text forstudents and practitioners seeking todevelop their leadership skills.",Icommend this book to you as a 'way in' to the leadership world for anyoneworking in health and social care. It treats you like an adult and expects youto take responsibility for your own leadership development.Wenow know that good leadership has a direct relationship with good services andwe can certainly no longer afford mediocrity. We need leaders to enable thedisruptive innovation that will be required to improve the quality of care withless resource to do so.",Fromthe Foreword by Karen Middleton, Chief Health Professions Officer for England.Key features:Introduces the concept of leadership and its importance in health andsocial care.Discusses the skills and qualities that make for effective leadership.Analyses the role of the leader as a catalyst for change.Helps readers to explore their own perceptions of leadership throughactivities and scenarios.

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Leadership in Health and Social Care Louise Jones, Clare L. Bennett

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