Politik des Essens

Food crises, hunger unrest, unfair global trade, food scandals, fast food, and obesity - the discomfort in global food culture is growing daily, everywhere. And more and more people are fed up with this situation. Harald Lemke highlights central world- and self-relations of food that are connected to contemporary political questions. He demonstrates: Be it world hunger or climate justice, be it the social struggle for food sovereignty or the right to cities of vegetable gardens - the future of mankind crucially depends on the societal treatment of the food question. Review »The value of this important book is that it conveys essential basics, unites them in a coherent philosophy, and [...] offers practical solutions.« Lothar Kolmer, Epikur - Journal für Gastrosophie »[The book] offers an important contribution to a philosophical discussion and takes an unequivocal stand to agriculture that benefits the farmer and - with that - all food-consuming people.« Thomas Gröbly, Kultur und Politik »Lemke starts his social revolution at the existential need to eat. The advantage of that approach is that he can give specific suggestions for a change of everyday life, that are comprehensible for all.« Jan Achim Richter, Portal für Politikwissenschaft »This book is highly recommended!« Birgit Peuker, Gen-ethischer Informationsdienst »Exciting and inspiring reading material.« Johanna Heim, Epikur - Journal für Gastrosophie »A style of writing that makes it easy to read and understand.« Reinhild Khan, ekz bibliotheksservice

Harald Lemke (Dr. phil. habil.) lehrt Philosophie an der Universität Lüneburg sowie am Interdisziplinären Zentrum für Gastrosophie, Universität Salzburg. Bei transcript erschien von ihm »Die Kunst des Essens. Eine Ästhetik des kulinarischen Geschmacks« (2007) und »Die Tischgesellschaft. Philosophische und kulturwissenschaftliche Annäherungen« (2008, hg. zus. mit Iris Därmann). Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Ethik, Politik, Ästhetik, Alltagskultur sowie eine kritische Theorie des guten Lebens.

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