Role and Responsibilities by Business Executives in Corporate Governance

Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich BWL - Bank, Börse, Versicherung, Atlantic International University, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Openness in governance means being transparent in all business dealings or transactions. This is a key to the success of every business if openness exists in all official transaction either within or outside the business. All information should be disclosed in relation to business and accountable to the market. The practice of Openness allows companies board of Director to undertakes decisions that will allow companies to strive and prosper in their venture and also allows shareholders who have their stake in the business to look into without any obstacle. Integrity: Corporate Governance rule demands that there should be honesty in companies dealings from both the people who are in charge of handling the affairs and those are given the picture of the state of the business should in effect report on one voice rather than hiding information from the public or the stakeholders whose interest is on the business and needs the information for investment decision. The company should report the true affairs of the business instead of hiding vital information and widow-dressing the true picture of the company to deceived investors due to dishonesty in reporting.