Social Movements in Greater China ¿ Five Poisons

The Chinese communist government regards the social movements in Greater China, Democracy movement, Independence of Taiwan, Free Tibet movement, Uyghur protests and the Falun Gong movement, as political threats and forcefully outlaws or defeats them, labelling them derogatorily the 'Five Poisons'. The Chinese traditional philosophical thought and perspectives of ¿tianshi, dili, and renhe" i.e. ¿being at the right time in the right place with the right people¿ is introduced to analyze the feasibility of the ultimate outcome of the Five Poisons. In spite of a combination of Five Poisons as one, they will be still too weak to overcome the Chinese Communist regime. Five Poisons would reach their goal only when the USA wakes up to abandon the pro-China policy which has been implemented since the Nixon administration. However, when a post-CCP era emerges, to rebuild a united and constitutional democracy with all ethnic minorities remaining in Greater China as before is highly unlikely. The author strongly believes that the one who destroys the CCP is the CCP itself. Xi Jinping has clumsily awakened the entire world, therefore, China is already on the eve of stunning political change.