Spies by Thea von Harbou, originally titled Spione, is a German spy thriller novel set in the world of international espionage. Published in 1927, the story follows a criminal mastermind who orchestrates a complex web of intrigue involving secret agents, government officials, and undercover spies. The protagonist, a secret agent named No. 326, is sent to uncover this shadowy figure but finds himself entangled with a mysterious woman, Sonia, who may be both a victim and a manipulator. The novel was later adapted into a silent film by Fritz Lang, with von Harbou writing the screenplay. Like her other works, Spies explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the morally ambiguous world of espionage. It captures the fast-paced, tension-filled atmosphere of spy networks and covert operations, typical of early 20th-century spy fiction.

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