Summary E-Commerce

Exam Revision from the year 2012 in the subject Business economics - Trade and Distribution, Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, language: English, abstract: This exam preparations summarizes all the important knowledge necessary to pass an E-Commerce exam: History of the Internet (when? Why? Background? Political background?); Difference between www and Internet / Who invented www; Typical services of www; Technical background (what inventions, how many listeners); New Economy; Some Definitions; B2C/B2B/C2B/C2C; What is Intranet / Extranet?; Information Society; Five key drivers; Moore's law; Web 2.0; Comparing services of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0; Push & Pull Communication; 1-2 mega trends; Attributes of value added; Revenue sources; Social media (criteria); Small world (what is the idea? Where used?); Storytelling; Viral Marketing (+ examples); Marketing in eCommerce.

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