When Life Ends: Legal Overviews, Medicolegal Forms, and Hospital Policies

None of the literature in the field of terminal care provides a full treatment of the laws, documents, and policies relating to the difficult issues arising at the end of life. When Life Ends was written to fill this gap by an attorney who serves on the bioethics committee of a large public hospital. It is an invaluable resource and practical tool for physicians, nurses, medical staffs, legal professionals, hospital administrators, and hospital bioethics committees because it provides: 1) in-depth legal commentaries on the refusal of life-sustaining treatment, advance directives, surrogate decision making, and the Patient Self-Determination Act, 2) more than 70 medical and legal documents to be used in connection with end of life decisions, and 3) hospital policies and procedures to suggest guidelines to hospital bioethics committees as they carry out their functions of developing policies and procedures to address end of life legal and ethical issues.

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